Minor wedge fracture without neurological signs following low velocity injury
Needs initial bed rest followed by mobilisation and analgesia.
Whether this is done at home or in hospital depends on severity of fracture, pain, support at home etc.
- Analgesia
- Senior advice
- Fracture clinic follow up
Fracture transverse process
- Test urine for macroscopic blood
- Analgesia and mobilisation
- Fracture Clinic follow up
All other Fractures Thoracic or Lumbar Spine
- Analgesia
- Out rule other injuries
- D/W ED senior doctor re CT
- Refer orthopaedics
Displaced fracture sacrum
- Refer orthopaedics
Undisplaced fractures sacrum/coccyx
- Analgesia
- Advise patient to sit on rubber ring
- Follow up at Fracture Clinic or Review Clinic