Useful Anatomy


Normal Radiographic Anatomy of the Foot

Normal anatomy of the foot
  1. Medial malleolus
  2. Lateral malleolus
  3. Head of talus
  4. Calcaneus
  5. Navicular
  6. Cuboid
  7. Base of fifth metatarsal
  8. Third cuneiform (lateral)
  9. Second cuneiform (Intermediate)
  10. First cuneiform (medial)
  11. Medial sesamoid
  12. Lateral sesamoid
  13. Shaft of second metatarsal
  14. Neck of third metatarsal
  15. Head of fourth metatarsal
  16. Metatarsophalangeal joint
  17. Proximal phalanx
  18. Middle phalanx
  19. Distal phalanx

Case courtesy of Dr Benoudina Samir,
From the case rID: 49119
Normal radiographic anatomy of the wrist

Wrist X-ray
Lateral wrist


  1. metacarpal bone
  2. carpometacarpal joint
  3. trapezoid
  4. trapezium
  5. scapho-trapezio-trapezoid (STT) joint
  6. scaphoid
  7. styloid process of radius
  8. radiocarpal joint
  9. lunate
  10. radius
  11. ulna
  12. distal radioulnar joint
  13. styloid process of ulna
  14. triquetrum
  15. pisiform
  16. capitate
  17. hamate
  18. hook of the hamate
    Case courtesy of Dr Benoudina Samir,
    From the case rID: 43305