
The Galway EM Airway governance strategy led by Dr. Jimmy Lee, includes consultant-led fortnightly intubation skills training sessions (Airway, Biscuits, Caffeine). These include a review of a recent recorded intubation (C-MAC) which is reviewed and discussed by all Senior Registrars and Consultants over snacks and coffee.

This leads to a discussion of a topical airway paper or FOAMed and more importantly a practical session with 3 separate airway stations for learners to practice and refine their intubation micro-skills. It is also a way for our Senior Registrars and Consultants to work on maintaining their airway currencies and competency, should they be out of practice. Our belief is that our EM Airway doctors should be intubating in resus or in simulation at least fortnightly, as well as a simulated 6-monthly eFONA drill.

Galway EM contributes all of its resus intubations to the national EM airway audit (EMARI). Any non-first pass intubations are reviewed within a week with immediate feedback and skills training provided.